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This page has been designed to explain the Read Write Inc programme and how you can support your child at home when they are learning to read.

To learn to read children need to:

  • learn 44 sounds (phonemes) and the corresponding letters/letter groups (graphemes)

  • learn to read words using sound blending and then…

  • learn to love reading

  • be confident in what they can read and then use this confidence to read more challenging texts.

All of our staff have been trained in the Read, Write Inc programme and they can show you how to pronounce these sounds. We hope that you will not hesitate to ask for any help. We are here for your child!

The Process…

Step 1:

In the early stages of read write inc we focus on learning the ‘pure’ sounds so that your child will be able to blend the sounds into words more easily. At school we use a puppet called Fred who can do this beautifully! When we say words in sounds we call it ‘Fred Talk’. E.g. d-o-g, c-a-t, m-a-n, sh-o-p, c-l-a-p.

Set 1 Sounds are taught in the following order: m a s d t, i n p g o, c k u b, f e l h sh, r j v y w, th z ch qu x ng nk

At the same time as learning the pure sounds children will also learn how to form the letters correctly.

Once the children have learnt the sounds they then need to learn how to sound out the letters in a word and how to blend them together to read it. 

How to say Set 1 Sounds

m – press your lips together hard and stretch the sound.
a- open your mouth wide as if to take a bite out of an apple.
s- keep your teeth together and hiss.
d – tap your tongue gently behind your teeth.
t – tick your tongue behind your teeth.
I – make a sharp sound at the back of your throat and smile.
n – keep your tongue behind your teeth as you say nnnnnnn
p – make a light popping sound as you say p-p-p-p-p
g – make a soft sound in your throat as you say g-g-g-g-g
o – push your lips out and make your mouth in to an o shape as you say o-o-o
c – say and bounce c-c-c-c-c-c as you make a sharp click at the bottom of your throat.
k – say and bounce k-k-k-k-k as you make a sharp click at the back of your throat. (as with caterpillar)
u – sing and bounce u-u-u-u as you make the sound at the bottom of your throat.
b – bounce b-b-b-b-b.. Try to say a short b rather than buh
f – keep your top teeth on your bottom lip and force air out sharply.
e – bounce e-e-e-e-e
l – keep your tongue pointed and curled behind your teeth.
h – bounce h-h-h-h. breath sharply on to your hand.
sh – force out the lips and put the finger to the mouth.
r – rrrrrr as if making a mini growl.
j – push your lips forward as you make the sound.
v – keep your teeth on your bottom lip and force out air.
y – keep the edges of your tongue against your teeth.
w – keep your lips tightly pursed.
th – put your tongue between your teeth and force out the air.
z – keep your teeth together and make the sound of a fly.
ch – thrust your lips out and pretend to sneeze
qu – keep your lips pursed as you say cw
x – as though your saying kiss without the i: cs
ng – make a long nasal sound at the back of your throat.
nk – make a long nasal sound at the back of your throat with a click at the end.

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